Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am so proud of Aneesah and I. I know its always said never pert yourself in the back but this is good for our first article. so people just watch this space, you shall never know Daily news could be knocking down my door as we speak. Hope you enjoy the OUR article and feel free to comment. http://internetstudies.ukzn.ac.za/inst102news/node/302

Friday, September 10, 2010


I enjoyed this weeks tut alot. From the errors I made to the final editing of my short film. This week we were asked to make a short film in relation to freedom of expression. Wasn't sure on what to do at first, because it was a new software to me but I wasnt that bad because I had knowledge of Windows movie maker.

The song choice was at first confusing because there was a lot of songs that i wanted to use but unfortuanetly the time frame was limiting, we only had 60seconds to work with and we all know that even one song is not that short, so I just opted to use all the parts which I thought were relevant to the topic just edirt the songs and cut them short. A mistake which I descovered alot of people were doing is that they would any type of music; not having relation to the topic or not atleast giving the film some form of boost or enhancement.

The problem that most of us suffered from is that half way down the line our work would just dissappear so if you had not saved it after each action as advicedv than you were in trouble, which is what happened to alot of us until we caught on.

Its unfortuanete to those who did not get this opportuanity because due to the strike for it was rather a funfilled learning experience, perhaps they try doing it in their own time.


These are the readings that I based my research on. hope you find them to be of interest. Others state why the ANC want the tribunal to be instated and others are of why it should not be.
Cronin, J., Do we need an independant media tribunal? Umsebenzi online-Volume 9, No.15. Available at:
Hajra Omarjee, ANC has Second Thoughts on ‘Media Tribunal’ Plan | Women'sNet. women's net. Available at: http://www.womensnet.org.za/news/anc-has-second-thoughts-%E2%80%98media-tribunal%E2%80%99-plan
Whydam Hartley, allAfrica.com: South Africa: 'No Plan to Muzzle the Media'. Available at: http://allafrica.com/stories/201008060246.html


Well thanks to the efficiency of our group we have managed to do the required research, before the due date so that gives us enough time to edit our work and make sure that the information we have is relevant to our project.

This project has opened my eyes to alot of things that I was not aware of, like the fact that this is not the first time the tribunal has been suggested to this country but it has been in the year 2007, it seems it was not a major story than simply because there was no follow through to the tribunal but the idea was shut down striaght away.

The ANC proclaims it all to have been too early and the proposal was not yet finalized, also in their defense, the media is said to have been too hostile towards the party. “This temperament has existed since the 60’s. When (former president Nelson Mandela) was released from prison, (the media) was highly critical of his ability to lead after spending 20 years in jail. Thabo Mbeki also suffered a torrid time” says Jessie Duarte (Spokesperson for the ANC women league). It seems they have also used Mr. Zuma’s “castigation” to their advantage. The ombudsman has also been said to be inadequate for editors often apologized obscurely or just apologize without stating the correct version of the story. High ranked newspapers have also been known to faultier. The Times ran an erroneous story regarding cde Nzimande for “his excitement at the prospect of sending a journalist to jail”. The following day The Times posted an apology for the story whilst The Business Day ran an article of the exact story having gotten the information from its only source- The Times newspaper.

From what I read up it also seems that the media tribunal has also managed to cause conflict between head journalists, maybe this was what the government wanted to achieve by proposing the tribunal in the first place. Could it be that they might focus more on eachother rather than report on vital stories?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


We have an assignment to do in our tutorial as group work. Seeing as how I was not present for the tut of which we were informed about the required work I was rather behind. I had no idea on what was meant to be done and as a result when our tutor asked for a feedback I was lost because I had no group let alone know that I was meant to be in one.Luckily I got myself a partner whose group seemed to be slacking, so she was working on her own than afterwards I was back on track.We are researching on why certain institutions are rejecting the media tribunal and also hope to find out why others are accepting it. I'm interested on what I shall find.