Friday, September 10, 2010


I enjoyed this weeks tut alot. From the errors I made to the final editing of my short film. This week we were asked to make a short film in relation to freedom of expression. Wasn't sure on what to do at first, because it was a new software to me but I wasnt that bad because I had knowledge of Windows movie maker.

The song choice was at first confusing because there was a lot of songs that i wanted to use but unfortuanetly the time frame was limiting, we only had 60seconds to work with and we all know that even one song is not that short, so I just opted to use all the parts which I thought were relevant to the topic just edirt the songs and cut them short. A mistake which I descovered alot of people were doing is that they would any type of music; not having relation to the topic or not atleast giving the film some form of boost or enhancement.

The problem that most of us suffered from is that half way down the line our work would just dissappear so if you had not saved it after each action as advicedv than you were in trouble, which is what happened to alot of us until we caught on.

Its unfortuanete to those who did not get this opportuanity because due to the strike for it was rather a funfilled learning experience, perhaps they try doing it in their own time.

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