Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The ANC does not seem to be happy about anything these days. First there instated a law against the freedom of expression of the media, which many people;myself included; was against, now they want to create a law against the freedom of expression of their own members.The usual happened' Malema made a comment which was found offensive but this time Mr. Jacob Zuma found it targeted to him therefore he wants action to be taken. Malema said " all people should have one partner, one man with one wife, one boy with one girlfriend and one woman with one husband". knowing well the history of our president one would know that this does not apply to him as he has more than one wife, many more than one. Malema has said many degrading things before to a lot of people but because it has now been directed to specific people of high power, the world must come to a stand still and only now the ANC realises he needs to be punished for his speeches which cause heartache to others. If they didn't encounter a problem with him before, than why are they having issue now.

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